The PodcastEPISODE #18
Hard To Make It Look This Easy: Justin & Kristin Boswell of Wayward Owl Brewing, Part 2 We’re back with Justin and Kristin of Wayward Owl Brewing, talking about what happens when you’re an anxious person, and it comes off as anger. We’re discussing the time-honored tradition of talking your partner in off the ledge. Justin and Kristin talk about making each other sharper. But is it your responsibility to make each other happy? And one of our favorite topics, managing expectations—but in this case, instead of talking about managing expectations for the customer, we talk about managing expectations for each other. One note: after the lightning round, this extended jam of an interview continues for several minutes with some really interesting bonus material that’s worth sticking around for—including an important note if you use QuickBooks and Square together for a business that takes tips. CLICK HERE FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF PLACES TO HEAR THIS SHOW FOR ITUNES, CLICK HERE FOR SOUNDLCOUD, CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD THE MP3 BY RIGHT-CLICKING HERE AND SELECTING "SAVE AS" |