The PodcastEPISODE #23
Love The Burn: Matt & Rebekah Titus of Blackbird CrossFit, Part 2 Matt and Rebekah Titus of Blackbird CrossFit never used to fight until they began running a business together. In this episode, we hear about a business that isn’t kid-friendly—but has lots of kids running around in the middle of it with potentially dire results. There’s the value of learning to appreciate how each other communicates in a relationship where one partner is driven by emotion, the other by analysis. And the power and the joy in changing lives—especially when attracting employees who are driven to serve. CLICK HERE FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF PLACES TO HEAR THIS SHOW FOR ITUNES, CLICK HERE FOR SOUNDLCOUD, CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD THE MP3 BY RIGHT-CLICKING HERE AND SELECTING "SAVE AS" |