The PodcastEPISODE #31
Honest, Wild, Beautiful: Kevin & Annmarie Gianni of Annmarie Skin Care, Part 1 We’re talking to one of our first favorite couples of entrepreneurism. Kevin and Annmarie Gianni of Annmarie Gianni dot com have been working together for over a decade. They have been personal trainers, raw food gurus, and now run a wildly successful line of organic skincare products. We love these two for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which being that they once traversed the nation, running their business from an RV—which offered some interesting lessons in couple cooperation. They’ve also built some useful boundaries between work and family. They have built their skincare line in a big way—but when Annmarie took time off to have kids, then returned to work, she was surprised to find the business with her name on it had changed. And we’re going to hear about Kevin’s unique mastermind session with his marketing guru buddies. Seems he needed a way to first ask out Miss Annmarie. CLICK HERE FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF PLACES TO HEAR THIS SHOW FOR ITUNES, CLICK HERE FOR SOUNDLCOUD, CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD THE MP3 BY RIGHT-CLICKING HERE AND SELECTING "SAVE AS" |