The PodcastEPISODE #87
Is Entrepreneuriagational A Word: Paul & Laura Whitmore of Southport Congregational Church, Southport CT, Part 2 Back with Reverends Paul and Laura Whitmore of Southport Congregational Church in Southport, Connecticut. Not obviously an entrepreneurial couple, they’ve accomplished something that requires a distinctly entrepreneurial sensibility: by their wit and wisdom and coupleco cooperation, they’ve grown a membership by over 300%, and increased the annual budget by 500%. In this episode, we get an up-close and personal idea how staggering the divorce rate is for married clergy. We also hear more about the job and relationship in terms of a Venn diagram—sometimes together, sometimes apart. But, can there be too much together? And can there be too much equality in the business? What advice would the clergy couple have for any other couple in business together? CLICK HERE FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF PLACES TO HEAR THIS SHOW FOR ITUNES, CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE PODCASTS, CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD THE MP3 BY RIGHT-CLICKING HERE AND SELECTING "SAVE AS" |