The PodcastEPISODE #50
Where There's Smoke, There's Marc & Laurie Nadeau of Smokin' Mary, Part 2 We are returning to Napa to continue our conversation with Smokin’ Mary herself and her husband, Smokin’ Marc. Marc and Laurie Nadeau are the original road warriors of craft cocktail mixers—which leads to some really crazy stories about doing festivals and food shows together. We also get to hear some tips for surviving and thriving as a CoupleCo. And it’s especially piercing and meaningful, since it comes from a couple who spends half their life together living and working out of a camper. CLICK HERE FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF PLACES TO HEAR THIS SHOW FOR ITUNES, CLICK HERE FOR SOUNDLCOUD, CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD THE MP3 BY RIGHT-CLICKING HERE AND SELECTING "SAVE AS" |